Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find healing for the Hurts, Habits, and Hang-ups you’re experiencing. CR addresses issues beyond just addictions, and provides a Christ-centered 12-Step framework to bring awareness, openness, hope, and victory to those who walk out the Steps.
Come any Thursday at 6pm at the Flagstaff Campus. Meet us in the sanctuary and find out more!
Childcare is provided. No sign up is required.
***We are starting BRAND NEW STEP STUDIES!***
Step Studies are closed groups that meet together to study the 12 steps and 8 Recovery Principles and it is a great place to further your recovery in a supportive setting. If you have any questions, email us at info@wearebridge.church! These groups will be accepting new members for a few weeks and then registration will close.
We will always have Open Groups for those who don't wish to join a Step Study at this time. Open group is a great place to share and continue your recovery.